Devices | Money Routine

To earn like this, you are gonna need devices to earn a decent amount. You can start with either old ones you have laying around or buy really inexpensive options. This page contains some tips on choosing devices and what I use myself.

Buying Devices

When buying dedicated money devices, don’t just go straight for the most inexpensive ones! Yes they may be very low priced and easier to make a return of investment (ROI) on but they will likely need to be replaced more often and you would have saved in the long run by spending a tiny bit more.

A good example here is the LG Lucky/Sunrise ($10) vs the Optimus Zone 3/Rebel LTE ($20). Both can run most apps fine but the first one has had many “bricking” issues for money makers.

Bricking is when a device becomes completely unusable (won’t turn on or connect to internet) essentially making it a “brick” on your desk.

Make sure you also don’t spend too much however otherwise you’ll lose money instead of make it. When beginning, $30 should be the max and then later on, you can buy some slightly more expensive devices up to about $50. One exception to the rule is iOS devices which will cost more being Apple. Ideally spend between $50-120 for these tops if you do need one eventually.

What I Use

I currently use 5 dedicated mobile devices and 3 dedicated PCs plus occasionally my main phone, Android TV, and PC for money making.

Primary App is the app I run first (usually apps that require more interaction like AppTrailers) while Secondary App(s) are ran after that’s completed and are the more passive app requiring less interaction.

Mobile Devices

Main Devices

These run the occasional app but aren’t running 24/7 like my dedicated devices.




Main Devices

These run the occasional app but aren’t running 24/7 like my dedicated devices.


